Kart Kingdom Wikia

Happy Holidays! was a blog post on the Kart Kingdom Blog.


Hi Friends,

What a busy last few weeks it has been in the Kingdom!  I hope everybody has been having a happy holiday season.  You may have noticed something under construction in Grand Glade right now.  You guessed it.  It’s almost time for our Holiday Party!!

A few friends from last year asked us to give out a new set of 2018 glasses that you can keep.  We say, “yes!”  Gus will give them out in the Give and Get right before New Year’s!  Starting today, you can begin collecting a bunch of new karts and hats to wear at your parties.



P.S. Don’t forget to get your new Ruff Ruffman Event winning karts and wheels if you haven’t already.

The secret codes are: Rufffreeze, Ruffwaterproof, Ruffstable, Rufffriction
